President: Jamie Kuhn
The LCAB (Local Community Advisory Board) operates under the authority of the Bishop of the Diocese of Kalamazoo. Essentially, the LCAB is a representative group of parents whose children are currently enrolled at St. Therese who advise the principal and pastor regarding the operation of the school.
Unlike the Boards for public schools, the LCAB does not create policy. Policy for Catholic Schools is established by the Bishop. Policies are interpreted into Regulations and Procedures by the Office of the Catholic Schools. The priest and the principal, under the advisement of the LCAB determine how those policies and procedures take effect in the local school.
The LCAB participates in the evaluation process for the principal and is part of the review process for the annual school budget.
As a member of the St. Therese Catholic School Local Collaborative Advisory Board, the virtues or traits of character that I must exemplify if I am to fulfill my responsibilities ethically are: